org busy sket skrg ni...
ni org kene tagged ngan zaza ngan payid…
dah lame dah sebenarnye tp tak sempat nak buat…
ari ni baru nak langsaikan hutang
kalau ikutkan tagged ni…kene namekan 7 org lain…
tp org rase mcm tak nak namekan sesape lah
org kan baik ati
I have tagged you:- share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
...::UBI KAYU::..
amat menyedapkan kalau dpt mkn ubi kayu ngan asam pedas…
takpon sambal ikan bilis…
diselang-seli plk dgn hujan yg bertaburan di luar rumah…
sambil disulami dengan air kopi…mmg besh!!!
....::PELITA AYAM::..
Pelite ayam tu ape? Lps cari kat goggle…baru tau…
ooo…ini ke pelite ayamnye…
baru org tau…
penah main ngan pelita ayam ni mase kecik2 dulu
....::TANAH MERAH::..
tanah merah?rasenye penah lalu dolu2 kat kampong org.
adoi…tatahan kalau kene kat kete..abes kotor
dulu2…kalo ayah nak bakar daun kering…mesti org nak nyibuk2…
kalau ade minyak tanak…mesti nak tuang kat atas api tu
mcm best je tengopk api tu menyambar
....::BERAT 40KG::..
dolu2…pernah gak lah berat 40kg
tp tak ingat lah bile
bile lah org blh rase berat 40 kg ni lg
....::ORG & KAKAK::..
kakak?org takde kakak…org lah anak sulung dlm adek-beradek org…
dan org lah anak pompuan sorang dlm family
terbang mcm supergirl?tak pon mcm powerpuff girls…mesti best
kapal terbang?tak pernah naik lg…bile lah nak naik
Germany: The Melander family of Bargteheide - 2 adults, 2 teenagers
United States: The Revis family of North Carolina - 2 adults, 2 teenagers
Japan: The Ukita family of Kodaira City - 2 adults, 2 teenagers
Italy: The Manzo family of Sicily - 2 adults, 3 kids
Mexico: The Casales family of Cuernavaca - 2 adults, 3 kids
Poland: The Sobczynscy family of Konstancin-Jeziorna - 4 adults, 1 teenager
Egypt: The Ahmed family of Cairo - 7 adults, 5 kids
Ecuador: The Ayme family of Tingo - 4 adults, 5 teenagers
Bhutan: The Namgay family of Shingkhey Village - 7 adults, 6 kids
Chad: The Aboubakar family of Breidjing Camp - 3 adults, 3 kids